Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Commission Wip: erosthesinful, Loverofthedrow

roughing in the color for the background- still need to scan the clean lines and lay those over

With the clean lines, and the values worked out a bit better.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Commission Wips: Erosthesinful, Loverofthedrow

Value study for Erosthesinful

rough wip for Lover-of-the-Drow
still trying to figure out what exact colors I want to work with ...and how to do those damned column things... >.> interiors are hard XD

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Commission Wips: Loverofthedrow, Erosthesinful, Lanhao

Some Wips on the commissions I've got going at the moment- all at once rather than spamming with a separate post for each.

Click the images for full-views

for Lover-of-the-Drow
Flat colors -still working them out. These are just the bases.
I'm going to re-do the lines so everything is clean and there aren't any smudges...but then I can just lay those over this and not re-color anything XD

For Erosthesinful
Again, Flat colors, just the bases....(and the lol-all-green-background will actually have trees and foliage and garden stuff in won't just be green >.> )
Also going to go in and re-do the lines so it's all clean.

For Lanhao
Just working on the colors.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Commission: Lover-of-the-drow

Clean Sketch =}
Value Study! (Also VERY ROUGH)

Sketch! (VERY ROUGH o-o)

for Lover-of-the-drow on Deviantart.

Friday, July 01, 2011

RetroCat2069 Commish: Wips: Flats+

Flat Colors+Value - just to give an idea of the atmosphere I'm going to try to accomplish
Still got tons of work to do. This is about 50% done right now.

Flat Colors. Lol boring.